The admissions process begins with a conversation. If you or a member of your family is interested in joining the St. Anne’s community you would meet with one of the Little Sisters or with me, Beth Powers, Director of Social Services. Our main interest is to determine if your needs and desires would be met at St. Anne’s. We would discuss the following to determine if St. Anne’s could be a good fit:
- Your age and financial eligibility
- Your current needs and health concerns
- Your current living situation
- Your hopes and thoughts with regard to living in a long-term care facility
If there seems to be a good fit, we can arrange to meet with you and your family to prepare an application for the Home. Each application is evaluated in light of the particular circumstances involved and our ability to meet the individual’s needs. We recognize the great need for senior living and care, and it is our goal to help as many individuals as possible. However, if St. Anne’s cannot accommodate your needs, we will suggest other facilities that may work for you and your family.
It is our general practice to admit Residents who are ambulatory. We do not offer sub-acute care, short-term rehabilitation care or specialized dementia services. We try to reserve our skilled nursing units for Residents in our Residential Care area, who might come to require a higher level of care.
The services at St. Anne’s are provided without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, disability or source of payment.
For more information, please contact me, Beth Powers, at:
Admission to St. Anne’s Home