House of Providence, Home of Miracles
It’s my favorite time of year! There is a moist mild chill in the air, typical of our winter, and Christmas lights illuminate many a path in our neighborhood, including the gates that grace my entrance.
I am 300 Lake Street. I am a shelter for the homeless, I am a haven for the lonely, but best of all, I am a home in the business of caring. My many walls have seen remarkable things. I have seen fear and loneliness dissipate from the man who found himself alone on the streets, without a place to lay his head for the night. I have seen solace in the face of a woman who realized that she and her husband could no longer care for each other on their own. I have seen the beauty of peace in the elderly who call me home.
Love, hope and charity live strong here and people flourish. Talents develop, interests are cultivated, and spirits are supported. Mind, body and soul are nurtured. It is a home for the elderly, unlike any other. People come here to live each day to its fullest. It is a home where the elderly are treasured like valuable antiques. The love and dedication given to the care of the elderly is what everyone would want for their loved ones or even for themselves. There is no talk of dying behind my walls, there is only talk of going to heaven.
I do hear people talking about the challenges of aging, and that I understand well. I am coming up on 35 years of non-stop operation, and like the elderly that I house, I too am in need of tender loving care. I am feeling the aches in my joints and the stresses to my structure, but I know that care makes all the difference. I see it in action every day. I know that you have always helped me. You have helped me stay vibrant so that this Home of Miracles can continue to be. You have helped repair water damage to my structure thus protecting my living areas. You have replaced my rusted gates sick with corrosion from the elements, you have added lights to my outdoor areas and upgraded my security systems to keep my family safe.
Your kindness and generosity overwhelm me. You understand that my needs are substantial and on-going, and you do not let me fall into decline. You are the Christmas Angel that has chosen to be a part of my family. It is your powerful spirit of giving that has so positively impacted the lives of the aged, who walk my halls. You have helped to ease isolation and anxiety for members of the greatest generation. You have recognized that everyone has value and that value is not diminished with age. This House of Providence survives through the Divine Providence that is manifested through your generous spirit.
This Home of Miracles is truly grateful for your hearts, your hands, and for the shoulders that you lend to propel us on our journey. I believe and trust in you, Christmas Angel, to help me through another year.
Seeking Christmas Angels